Magic Elixir x DW Lyrical Lady by The Minstril

“Spring” is the foundation mare for Mark & Deb Burke of Amethyst Acres.  Her first filly Zaarina Sanaa (by Mishaal HP) is the foundation mare for Rockbridge Arabians.  Her first “grand daughter” RA Aleeyah (by The Sequel RCA) was Reserve Champion 2-year old filly at the 2015 Egyptian Event.



The ElixirHI-Fashion Mreekh
Magic ElixirJaliya
Rhapsody in BlackThee Desperado
DW Midnight MagicAliashahm RA
The MinstrilRuminaja Ali
DW Lyrical Lady*Bahila
Amiri SanaaTheEgyptianPrince
AK El Sanaa